A Glimpse in the Fashion Brand - Van Caissey

By Unknown - 8:40 AM

Success is not achieved overnight. That's for sure. Heck, for Van Caissey's brand owners, Talia and Erin, it consisted of sleepless nights, excessive coffees and yoga for a clear head. (Yes they do yoga! Amazing huh) Their brand Van Caissey started the same month as my birthday, July just last year (come on, just let me say it, lol), focusing on Menswear, Womenswear and Accessories. By this time the amount of followers they have are overflowing and always growing and their boutique screams the kind of brand that they are which is amazing and unique.

I got the wonderful opportunity to interview them and share their story to you guys! Aww! They are one of the best brand owners I know, and they are really hands-on with their work! And it's really amazing to see that their hard works really pay off in the end. Just like anything with hardwork really, it can be achieved. 

So, I really want to tell you guys more but I won't go in circles anymore, without further ado, Van Caissey's Talia and Erin...


1. Hi Talia and Erin, I became such a huge fan of Van Caissey in just a matter of minutes, your brand is just the perfect epitome of coolness and uniqueness. Can you let us know how Van Caissey came to be this successful fashion brand? How did it all started?

      -The idea of Van Caissey was born after spending a few weeks travelling and shopping around California. We were inspired by the bold streetstyle we were seeing across the state and felt a serious lack of graphic, edgy fashion back home in Vancouver, CA.

2. How would you define the style your line exemplifies?
-Our FW line Van Caissey Blak is inspired by androgyny and all things black, we love a draping look like that embodied in our Unisex Shawl Cardigan. For summer we’ve stepped out of our comfort zone a bit and really brightened things up. Graphics and sublimation are running the show with lots of 90's pop culture references and funky jerseys.
 *Van Caissey's lovely place

3. How is it like having your own fashion brand? And does your brand say something about your personal styles?
-Seeing Van Caissey come to fruition is like a dream, it isn’t easy though, our brand is only just a year old and we are literally working 6-7 days a week to let people know we are out here. Mixing hard and soft styles like grunge and goth with something delicate has always been the vision for Van Caissey. From our flagship store design to each item hanging inside everything we do is a direct reflection of us and what we love.

4. I think it's quite important to ask, how do you select the models that will represent your brand?
-We love tattoo culture and the LGBT community so in choosing our models it was really important to us that this was reflected. We started by first using ourselves and our attractive friends, now we get model submissions almost daily but still try to stick with what we love. We want to dress every color/size/type of person out there and our models reflect that.

*They have the best boutique evah!

5. How do you guys manage your time running Van Caissey and designing the products?
-We manage our time by drinking lots of coffee and working like crazy people! We also try to do yoga daily to keep our heads clear. We are also very lucky to have rad friends in design who collaborate with us on Van Caissey and ask for nothing in return. This January we will be doing a month long inspiration and design trip to LA, we’ll be away from the store and solely focused on shaping our brand.

*Van Caissey's cool owner.

6. What do you think are the skills one should have to be successful in this side of the fashion industry?
-A good work ethic is invaluable in the fashion and any other industry. You have to be willing to get your hands dirty and do the jobs that nobody else wants to. You have to leave your ego at the door and learn from every person you come in contact with. Get inspired and let that show in your work, passion is what people connect with.

7. Your Instagram posts are AWESOME! Where do you get the inspiration for your photos?
-Thank You! We have built a space with tons of natural light and filled it with things we love so it’s easy to create beauty in this spot. We also have some of the most attractive shoppers, friends and fans, they inspire so many of our great shots.

8. What do you like the most about designing/conceptualizing your products? How do you come up with the prints and colors of your products?
-We study fashion week show films, pick up some of our favorite magazines, check in with pantone and go with what feels right. We are still learning and not afraid to collaborate with people that know a little more, there is a lot of trial and error in everything we do.
*Man, they even have the coolest customers. Now I'm really jealous.

9. I always ask this to my interviewees, does being a designer and a brand owner as glamorous as most people think it is?
-Sure there are flashes of glamour like seeing your designs in a glossy magazine or being recognized and spoiled a bit but generally we do hard work in a glamorous industry. If you are running your own label or business you have to be skilled in every aspect, that takes a lot of work, much of which is not remotely glamorous.
*Erin and Talia, one of the cutest and awesome-st brand owners and designers I've ever gotten the pleasure to talk to. <3

10. Truly, you guys are an amazing and inspiring tandem, what are your advice for aspiring designers and fashion brand owners?
-Thank You, it is really important to us to inspire other people. Our advice is to listen to and trust yourself. There’s nobody else with your creativity and there is literally no other person in this world that can execute your vision, it is your own, stay true to it.

So now you believe me? Van Caissey has such great people behind it and such a supporting audience. I'm thinking of something to blog about next but it'll be a surprise! Stay Tuned!

Anyways, take note about their advice for young designers and aspiring brand owners, this one's acceptable unlike what Anna Wintour said. Just keep the faith guys, everything will eventually fall into it's place. 

One thing I love about their brand is that they accept all color/size/type to be their model. And I honestly approve of that very much because this world needs more acceptance! Just because someone is not a stick figure and seven-feet tall doesn't mean they can't be models too. And just because you belong in the LGBT community doesn't mean that you need to hide all the time. So there, I love that they give chance to everybody. A brand with a cause is worth looking up to, really.


Amazed with Van Caissey as I am? Than you better follow them on their social media, of course!

Website: Van Caissey
Instagram: @VanCaissey
Twitter: @VanCaissey
Tumblr: Van Caissey

And don't forget to check out their online store for cool items and outfit ideas. I swear you will not regret it. 

Photo Credits:

Thank you so much Talia and Erin, I owe you guys this wonderful interview! Thank you so much for sharing us your roller coaster adventure with Van Caissey and for trusting me in sharing your story. 

Thank you for reading! Til my next interview and style post!

Long Live!

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  1. There was a time in my life when practically my whole wardrobe was black with metal accents. This brand would have been so fantastic then! And excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor from those models. They definitely do the brand's clothing justice.

    1. Thank you Brooke! And I think they're bringing back that black and metal accents vibe. :D But still they're really amazing. And the models! OMG, so cool right? :)

      Long Live!
